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SCP Series III is the third seriesof the SCP's, consist of SCP00 through to SCP2999 Some of these SCPs are relatively new, the first Series III SCP posted on November 13th, 13, this being SCP02, the 1957th SCP posted Below is a list of them all as they are at the time of writing (December 31st, 18) If an SCP is strikethroughed, it has a rating of less than 0, and is12/19/ · SCP2128 SCP財団 SCP2128はアーチ型の石炉です。 "真鍮の心"というスペインの過激派カルトによって 9世紀末に拷問および処刑目的に作られ、 "嘘吐きの揺り籠" 1210 SCP SCP 人類滅亡など朝飯前。 独断と偏見で選ぶ最強SCPランキングTOP18 最強のSCPはどれか? その永遠の疑問に答えを出すべく、私のSCP知識をフル活用してランキングを作成しました!SCP2132 Most Dangerous Fighting Exhibition and Obstacle Resort; Scp 2127 Scp Foundation Scp-2128 - 嘘吐きの揺り籠